As part of the Treebourne charity I collected seeds in autumn 2020 and now have a nice selection of trees to give to people FoC. Treebourne is all about getting as many trees and bushes planted across Eastbourne to improve our air quality and health and I am really happy to give them away to anyone who wants them.
At the moment I have the following which you are very welcome to:
Crab apple | Hazel | Oak |
Downy Birch | Blackthorn | Privet |
Silver Birch | Horse Chestnut | Dogwood |
Evergreen Spindle | Bay | Field Maple |
Alder |
They are all quite small and will require some attention (watering when it is hot / dry) for the first couple of years. But it will be worth it!
If you would like any of these please contact Jules on 07799596941.